What can we say… Rich Pearce is a great guy and a valued member of the Talmadge family. He is loved by his clients, co-workers and community. Thank you Rich, for everything you have done. We’ve asked him these questions to learn more about what makes him tick!
How did you start with Talmadge Construction?
I had no idea that when I joined Jeff and Adele that I would be able to stay this long. After being with the company for a short while it was easy for me because they are good people that provided interesting work that challenges one’s self.
How has your role changed over the years?
I started as a carpenter. Relatively quickly moved into project manager role where we run projects as well as perform carpentry. I have performed other roles also, moving into the office as an estimator when needed. I worked as production manager over all the jobs for a period of time. Jeff has always been a very positive force and I try to do whatever I can to make the company be its best.
What are the Life Lessons you have gathered on the job?
When I first started with Talmadge I was very introverted in dealing with new people. I have grown as a person to the point where people are the best part of my job. I enjoy almost every type of personality and try to find the good there.
What important Career Lessons have you learned on the job?
We here at Talmadge work very well when we are focused as a team. I have always been a big fan of team play whether in sports or at work. It is gratifying to know the people you work with and for will always have your back.
What is your favorite part of the job?
My favorite part of the job is the management of projects. I used to prefer large projects but right now it makes no difference large or small. Again, it is the interaction with our clients that I have come to enjoy the most. It is also probably the thing I do best. Every client has a different way of projecting what they want from us. I pride myself in being able to understand people by listening to them.
What are you thankful for?
I am thankful obviously to have made a career with the Talmadge family. Right this minute we have absolutely the best office and field personnel that we have ever had in my 20 years. It makes it easy to come to work every day.
I am married to my wife Sue for 21 years though we have been together much longer. Her three children are all grown up with their own children but they are like my own. We all live in the Santa Cruz area and enjoy spending time together. Sue and I both are avid golfers. We belong to the Pasatiempo Golf Club where we enjoy playing every week. Golf is my passion whether it is recreational or high level competitive tournaments. And our 2 yr old Labrador retriever, Birdie, is our number one child right now.