Benefits of Design Build Remodeling
Too often, homeowners approach their remodeling or construction project by hiring a designer first, and then approaching a contractor to get an estimate on how much their project will cost to build it. In this traditional “design-bid-build” model, architects and designers seldom work together with a targeted budget in mind. As a result after spending money on design plans, they learn too late that their project is too expensive to build.
Because of this, Many homeowners sadly choose to abandon the project altogether. Or, homeowners are forced to compromise many of their remodeling wish list items in order to complete their project.
Alternatively, at Talmadge Construction, we offer a different method of home construction and renovation called “design-build.” Often referred to as the “all-in-one” construction method, the design-build process allows the architect/designer, contractor, and homeowner to all work together, from beginning to end, to achieve the homeowner’s vision. Multiple design options are explored, along with the associated costs, until a final design is determined and agreed upon.
Any changes or unexpected issues that arise are resolved in real-time, with the architect and contractor updating the plan throughout the process, always with the budget and timeline in mind. This helps keep the project running smoothly with less “surprises” and hidden costs during construction.
Design-build has become more popular over the last decade because it has proven to be a reliable method for keeping projects on budget and on schedule through its streamlined project management, enhanced communication, and efficient collaboration between the design and construction teams.
Ultimately, the design-build process has helped homeowners reduce their anxiety about remodeling their home. It also results in a fixed price cost estimation, providing peace of mind and clarity.

What are the benefits of the Design-Build
Process for a homeowner?
SYNCed up
The design-build team makes sure your design and budget are synchronized
The design-build team handles all aspects of your project, from initial conception through permitting and final construction.
The homeowner saves money by eliminating redesign fees and receiving valuable cost-saving advice during the design, planning, and construction process.
The architect, construction team and the homeowner work together as a team to collaborate on your project, keeping your budget in mind.
You receive a higher quality product with trade contractors and material suppliers who provide their input and advice early in the design process, impacting mechanical systems, installation details, energy-saving devices, etc.
The design-build process eliminates the need for you to act as a referee between the contractor and the architect. If something is wrong or missing, there is a dedicated team already in place to resolve any issue.

Let’s create your next BIG home idea TOGETHER
Have a question or want to discuss ideas for your home?
Call (831) 689-9133 to request an initial design consultation.